Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bio-fuel not better option than fossil fuel in terms of environmental impact


io-fuel is found to be inferior as compared to fossil fuels so far as the environmental impacts are concern. The forests have been cleaned up to produce thebiofuel crops.

A study in UK revealed that fossil fuels are better than to clean the forest to produce the biofuelcrops. The study also claimed that commonly-used biofuel crops such as rape seed, palm oil and soy have failed to meet the sustainability standard of the European Commission.

As per the minimum sustainability standard set by the European Commission, the emissions from biofuel should reduce by at least 35% as compared to fossil fuel. But the result of a study revealed that palm oil increases emissions by 31% because of the indirect land use change (ILUC). ILUC is producing an ample amount of carbon just because the forests and grasslands have turned into biofuel crop plantations.

However, Environmental Transport Association (ETA) commented that biofuel must have to be environmental friendly. ETA has questioned the EU's biofuel policy and said that in such circumstances biofuel couldn't be treated as a possible substitute for the fossil fuels like diesel or petrol.

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